Facultatea de Drept din IAŞI

169 years from the establishment


The Faculty of Law within the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, in partnership with the Faculty of Informatics, the National Institute for the Training and Improvement of Lawyers - Iași Territorial Center and JURIDICE.RO organizes

International Conference “Legal Perspectives on the Internet. The ubiquity of law in the virtual space ”- 4th edition

No matter how much the attempts to self-regulate the virtual space have been and are sustained, invariably the established rules are violated, and those whose rights have been / are disregarded or violated seek solutions. Whether it is desirable or not, the rules of law are necessary. In interpreting existing ones and trying to adapt them, adjust to new realities (sometimes like in a Procust bed) or create new rules, lawyers cannot cope on their own. An alliance between lawyers and computer scientists is urgently needed in the face of current challenges.

At the 4th edition of the conference “Legal Perspectives on the Internet. The ubiquity of law in the virtual space ”, which will take place on October 31, 2020, at 10.00, we invite you to be actors in this endeavor and to contribute to the awareness of a reality that requires the concerted action of specialists in two fields. technology have become indispensable to each other.

The conference is aimed at academics, PhD students and practitioners, as well as computer scientists concerned with the legal side of their work, as an opportunity to debate and identify ideas for resolving the complicated interdisciplinary connections caused by the use of the Internet. The organizing committee invites the participants to an oral presentation of the works that are limited to the topic.

Topics can be addressed in any field related to the use of the Internet, and the papers will be published, after peer review, in the Scientific Annals of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Legal Sciences series, journal indexed in international databases HeinOnline and CEEOL.

The following topics are exemplary: cybercrime, human rights (right to privacy, right to freedom of expression, etc.), e-government and online administration, employee protection, domestic and international e-commerce, e-banking, competition unfairness, consumer protection, protection of personal data, protection of intellectual property, artificial intelligence, etc.

Faculty of Law

B-dul Carol I nr. 11, cod 700506, IAŞI
Secretariat full-time learning:
+40 232 201058
+40 232 201158
Fax: +40 232 201858
Secretariat distance learning:
+40 232 201272
Fax: +40 232 201872

Copyright Faculty of Law, IAŞI , 2024
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